Interview with Mr Norbert Dzieża Sales Manager at Nitro-Chem S.A. at Eurosatory 2024- Paris
DPI – In the world of explosives, how long has Nitro-Chem been established, where are you based and what is the relationship between PGZ and Nitro-Chem and MESKO?
Norbert Dzieża - Nitro-Chem was established 76 years ago in Bydgoszcz, Poland. We have been producing explosives since then. We have been a member of PGZ Group since the beginning. In fact this operation is our main shareholder, with about 46% of our shares.
DPI - Nitro-Chem is the world leader in TNT production, tell us about TNT, what military applications does it have?
Norbert Dzieża – Nitro-Chem has one of the biggest TNT installations in Europe. We are one of the largest producers in the world, but still this is not enough for today's demands on the market. TNT has been used for the filling services of high calibre ammunition, bombs, grenades and charges, so everything which is used on the battlefield. We service the world market.
DPI - What is RDX and HMX? What are their applications and how do they differ from TNT?
Norbert Dzieża – RDX and HMX are high-explosive, stronger explosives, so you have the same energy in less amount of explosive in the same capacity. You can fill smaller warheads or hand grenades or MANPADS and they have the same effectiveness and intensity as bigger projectiles, with less charge.
DPI – Do the chemical compounds differ between TNT and RDX and HMX?
Norbert Dzieża – They are completely different. HMX, RDX and TNT have completely different chemical compounds and completely different production processes.
DPI - What other services does Nitro-Chem offer to the defence industry?
Norbert Dzieża – Nitro-Chem does not only produce explosive or high-explosives, we also offer ammunition filling services. We fill anything that explodes, be it high kinetic projectiles, bombs like the Mk 82, charges, mines, grenades, everything explodable.
DPI - What R&D projects is Nitro-Chem currently working on or developing?
Norbert Dzieża - Right now I cannot tell you for which companies we are currently developing products and other services. But we are working hard to establish new products for well-known systems in Europe.
DPI -Norbert, you have been with Nitro-Chem for nearly 15 years, with this experience and perspective, what are the greatest challenges and opportunities for explosives.
Norbert Dzieża – Yes, 15 years is a lot of time, I suppose that the plan was to work three months and then pay for college and go home. But something went wrong and I'm here 15 years later. At the beginning, it was tough times for the military industry. 15 years ago we produced small quantities of TNT, RDX, and HMX. We filled very small quantities of high-calibre projectiles, bombs and grenades.
So in comparison, 15 years ago, we filled about 15% of our capacity. Now, 100% of our capacity is not enough. If we had another ten installations it would still not be enough to fill the gap in the market.