NP Aerospace will deliver design support and spares for over 15,000 UK MoD core vehicles.

17 September 2024


Coventry-based NP Aerospace has been awarded a £71 million wheeled vehicle support contract from the UK Ministry of Defence. The Conventional Vehicle Systems Spares and Post Design Services (CVSSP) contract will see NP Aerospace deliver Post Design Services (PDS), Design Authority and spares procurement to a fleet of over 15,000 UK MoD core vehicles including the entire Land Rover fleet; Pinzgauer fleet; protected Land Rover; RWMIK and the Lightweight Trailer.

The contract was awarded by UK MoD Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S), and competitively tendered with bids submitted by major players across the UK defence industry. The contract duration is four years with an option to extend.

The announcement coincided with the DVD exhibition taking place at Millbrook, 18-19 September 2024.

The UK MoD CVSSP contract consolidates and amalgamates former individual MoD PDS contracts providing a new single point of contact. Obsolescence management is a key challenge with some of the MoD’s ageing fleets.  The CVSSP contract will ensure that vehicle fleet availability is maintained at the required levels to meet operational and training needs.

In 2019 NP Aerospace won a similar vehicle support contract known as Protected Mobility Engineering & Technical Support (PMETS) which saw it support the MoD’s fleet of over 2000 Protected Mobility Vehicles. The vehicles covered under the PMETS contract include Mastiff, Wolfhound, Ridgback, Buffalo, Choker, RODET, Foxhound, Jackal, Coyote and Husky.

The UK Minister for Defence Procurement and Industry, Maria Eagle MP, said the new contract will help to secure the future of crucial Army capabilities, such as cutting-edge firepower, protection, and mobility, streamlining the processes involved in repairs and upgrades, while boosting UK economic growth.

Brigadier Matt Wilkinson from the Vehicle Support Team at Defence, Equipment and Support, said the CVSPP contract aligns with the MoD’s future Land Industrial Strategy initiatives, including an evolution to Land Integrated Operating Services.