NIMR Automotive, a member of the Emirates Defence Industries Company (EDIC), launched its latest vehicle variant, the AJBAN 447A, at IDEX 2019.
The AJBAN 447A Multi-Role Armoured Vehicle is designed for use in a wide range of specialist military roles, offering high levels of survivability, mobility and firepower.
The 447A is a forward-facing seven crew (2+5) military tactical vehicle featuring a highly configurable armoured cabin designed for different units such as Tactical Response, Border Patrol, Reconnaissance, Counter-Insurgency and Special Forces teams.
The vehicle offers a modular design, featuring scalable levels of ballistic, mine blast and IED protection based on a conventional powertrain layout. NIMR says the independent suspension system provides excellent ride comfort and handling characteristics even in the most arduous terrains.
“Building on NIMRs reputation of outstanding manoeuvrability, the Ajban 447A excels across all terrains and diverse operational environments supporting a wide range of mission requirements,” stated NIMR's General Manager Ali Al Mansoori. “This 4x4 complements our existing range, allowing NIMR to expand beyond our current four-crew light-to-medium weight vehicle configuration into an increased crew capacity with multi-role capability.”
In addition to the driver and commander, the 4x4’s optimised internal layout provides five dismounts seated on individual blast-attenuating seats. Four doors provide ease of ingress and egress. The large ballistic protected windscreen and side windows offer enhanced situational awareness.
The 447A's ergonomics provide high levels of crew-comfort thereby reducing fatigue during extended operations.
NIMR says the vehicle can be configured to meet a variety of end-user mission requirements through the integration of various mission equipment and systems, provides a compact, low-profile platform without compromising on protection, internal volume and capability.
At IDEX the vehicle is displayed with the Platt M550 weapon mount, Dillon Aero’s Minigun and Lacroix’s Automated Obscurance System (AOS).