Maritime Features

Sea related military and defence technology and procurement insight

Inside Ukraine's drone warfare: The rise of first-person view drones

Ukraine's use of FPV drones is described as 'game-changing' by Baltic countries, which are building drone armies.

By Anita Hawser - 18 July 2024
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World Defense Show 2026

Interview with Mr Andrew Pearcey, Chief Executive Officer of the World Defense Show at Eurosatory 2024, Paris

By DPI - 21 June 2024
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Royal Navy says recent Steadfast Defender exercise vindicates the need for two aircraft carriers

"If you want a continuous, carrier-enabled strike, two ships are the answer. NATO's Steadfast Defender proves it," says HMS Prince of Wales' Captain.

By Lee Willett - 27 March 2024
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Ensuring Water Security: North Water Greenland's Strategic Water Reserve

In a world grappling with the growing challenges of water scarcity and emergency situations, North Water Greenland emerges as a steadfast guardian, delivering a strategic water reserve through bulk tanker vessels for acute or emergency deployment

By North Water Greenland - 05 December 2023
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Are unmanned surface vehicles a paradigm shift in naval warfare?

Ukraine's unmanned surface vehicles have proved effective against Russian naval assets. Is this a major turning point in naval Concept of Operations?

By Tayfun Ozberk - 22 September 2023
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DE&S CEO Interview Andy Start: UK defence procurement is making good progress

Despite UK defence procurement being described as 'broken,' DE&S CEO Andy Start says most programmes are executed well.

By Anita Hawser - 22 September 2023
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Schiebel Q&A

Sponsored content: Q&A at DSEI London 2023 with Neil Hunter, Global Head of Business Development, Schiebel

By Jack Richardson - 19 September 2023
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Japan shrugs off its pacifist outlook to prepare for future conflict

As regional tensions bite, Japan is focusing on international defence partnerships and eyeing growth in defence exports.

By Atul Chandra - 15 August 2023
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Europe seeks advanced air defence systems from Israeli companies

Poland, Romania, and Scandinavian countries are talking with "the right people" in Israel about rapid acquisitions of air defence systems, say sources.

By By Arie Egozi - 11 April 2023
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What does Saudi Arabia's closer ties with Iran mean for Israel's defence industry?

Israeli defence companies may have missed out on the weapons bonanza in Saudi Arabia, following the brokering of a deal between the kingdom and Iran.

By By Arie Egozi - 19 March 2023
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Vasyl Bodnar, Ukraine's ambassador to Turkey talks drones, tanks and returning Crimea home

The end of the war in Ukraine will come much faster if the west supplies fighter jets, tanks, and long-range missiles, says Ukraine's ambassador to Turkey.

By Tayfun Ozberk - 01 March 2023
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The war in Ukraine could potentially last until 2025 says Fitch Solutions

When is the war in Ukraine likely to end? According to Fitch Solutions, both sides have enough resources to sustain fighting for another two years.

By Anita Hawser - 26 February 2023
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Are Russia's Maritime Ambitions Achievable?

Having suffered embarrassing losses to Ukraine, Russia's Navy needs to restore its reputation. Will a new maritime doctrine be its saviour?

By By Tayfun Ozberk - 19 January 2023
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Technology, combined with Ukrainian bravery, can do incredible things.

Ukraine and NATO appeal to innovative tech start-ups to help them build disruptive technologies to protect and defend at Web Summit 2022 in Lisbon.

By Anita Hawser - 04 November 2022
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India’s first home-made aircraft carrier: Can it meet the mounting threats in the Indo-Pacific?

Building an aircraft carrier yourself is one thing. The formation of Carrier Task Groups and aircraft is quite another, as India is discovering.

By Sarosh Bana - 25 September 2022
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What has Turkey gained by lifting its veto against Sweden and Finland's NATO membership?

At NATO's recent Strategic Summit in Madrid, Turkey lifted its veto against Sweden and Finland joining the military alliance. But what did it gain in return?

By Tayfun Ozberk - 04 July 2022
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Are rainy days in store for Russia's Black Sea Fleet following the sinking of the Moskva?

With the sinking of the most powerful ship in Russia's Black Sea fleet, can Russia maintain its dominance of the Black Sea?

By Tayfun Ozberk - 19 April 2022
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Iran and an accelerated nuclear arms race in the Middle East

Could the West's failure to secure a new nuclear deal with Iran, force some Arab and Middle East countries to develop their own nuclear weapon programmes?

By Arie Egozi - 14 April 2022
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Why is Odessa important for Russia?

Recent missile strikes on Odessa in Ukraine's south continue to fuel speculation about Russian intentions for the strategic sea port, which is Ukraine's lifeline to the rest of the world.

By Tayfun Ozberk - 05 April 2022
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It's Time to Get Sneaky

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine looks like conventional warfare on steroids. But focusing on traditional tactics, may prevent us from seeing the advantages of a ‘sneaky war’ against Russia.

By Sean McFate - 20 March 2022
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Why Has Russia Invaded Ukraine?

NATO expansion into Eastern Europe and fears that Ukraine will acquire nuclear weapons are Vladimir Putin's justifications for invading Ukraine.

By Anita Hawser - 24 February 2022
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How does the Russia–Ukraine crisis stack up in terms of numbers?

Ukraine may have strengthened its military power, but Russia's overall military presence on its border and in Belarus is almost equivalent to the size of Ukraine's Armed Forces.

By Tayfun Ozberk - 08 February 2022
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How Turkey could be embroiled in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Turkey's control of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits under the Montreux Convention could put it in a difficult position if the Russia-Ukraine conflict escalates further.

By Tayfun Ozberk - 25 January 2022
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UK MoD is wasting billions of dollars in taxpayers money, according to Labour dossier

The Labour Party's 'Dossier of Waste,' says the UK Ministry of Defence is failing British troops and taxpayers by mismanaging defence contracts worth billions.

By Anita Hawser - 05 January 2022
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First sale of military vessels to Egypt in 30 years

The UK cements its "Global Britain" agenda with the sale of two Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships to Egypt, which is looking to reduce its reliance on the US for military equipment.

By Anita Hawser - 29 October 2021
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How China 's Navy Could Come to Rule the Waves

Is the West right to be concerned about China becoming a maritime power, and what does the new AUKUS pact mean for the Indo-Pacific region?

By Tayfun Ozberk - 28 September 2021
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Australia Chooses The Nuclear Option

Australia scraps problem-plagued French submarine building program for nuclear-powered submarines using British and American technology.

By Anita Hawser - 16 September 2021
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Visiting Ships and Waterborne Demonstrations DSEI 2021

Visiting ships DSEI 2021: The Royal Navy's oldest and most technologically advanced frigate, HMS Argyll, and vessels that safeguard Britain's nuclear fleet.

By - 06 September 2021
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China’s Aircraft Carrier Ambitions Drive a Race for Superiority

Just a handful of countries, including China, the US, France and South Korea, are reimagining what the next generation of aircraft carriers will look like.

By Atul Chandra - 14 June 2021
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Finding the Missing Indonesian Submarine: Submarine Rescue and Escape Explained

The Indonesian Navy's missing submarine, KRI Neggala, is now thought to have sunk. But how could its rescue have played out potentially?

By By Sarosh Bana in India and Anita Hawser in London - 23 April 2021
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US Navy Puts Unmanned Systems to the Test

Under the water, on the surface and in the air: The US Navy demonstrates how unmanned systems will change future war fighting scenarios at exercise in San Diego.

By Anita Hawser - 22 April 2021
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Myanmar's Military Coup: How The Tatmadaw Have Clung on to Power for More Than 50 years

Myanmar's military, the Tatmadaw, continue to receive weapons from foreign countries despite humans rights abuses.

By By Sarosh Bana - 01 April 2021
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A Pacifist Flexes Its Military Muscles

Japan moves on from its pacifist past with an ambitious defence spending programme on maritime and ballistic missile defence worth $50 billion.

By By Sarosh Bana - 15 March 2021
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Israeli Defence Firms To Deepen Ties with the UAE

The pandemic prevented Israeli defence companies from attending IDEX 2021, but future defence co-operation with the UAE looks promising, say officials.

By Arie Egozi - 25 February 2021
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Covid-19 Sparks Digital Transformation in Military Organisations

Covid-19 has forced military organisations to shrug off their reputation for bureaucracy and tradition and embrace digital technologies, says IFS.

By Matt Medley, IFS - 25 January 2021
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UK PM Boris Johnson announces £16.5 billion boost for defence spending

The UK MoD's £16.5 billion windfall will be spent on shiny new toys, but legacy platforms still need to be maintained and the Equipment Plan is way over budget.

By Anita Hawser - 19 November 2020
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Keeping Sailors Out of the Minefield

The Belgium and Dutch Navies showcase their new Stand-off mine countermeasures concept at Euronaval in Paris.

By Anita Hawser - 22 October 2020
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Euronaval: French Navy's Resources Extensively Renewed

French Armed Forces minister reiterates commitment to "freedom of navigation" as ambitious ship building programme continues at pace.

By Anita Hawser - 20 October 2020
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Artificial Intelligence for Ship Maintenance

Indra and Spanish Navy at cutting edge of artificial intelligence research for predicting ship malfunctions and improving next-generation vessel maintenance.

By - 17 September 2020
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Israel and the UAE: A New Era of Co-operation?

With the normalisation of diplomatic ties between Israel and the UAE, what are the potential export opportunities for Israeli defence companies?

By Arie Egozi - 17 August 2020
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High Powered Laser Weapons

As countries ramp up efforts to develop Directed Energy Weapons, a laser weapon system on board a US Navy ship successfully shoots down drone during at sea tests.

By - 27 May 2020
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Defence Keeps Going While Other Industries at a Standstill

Construction on Australia's largest defence surface ship project, the Hunter Class Frigate, continues despite COVID-19 pandemic challenges.

By Andrew Spence - 21 April 2020
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Fighting An Invisible Enemy

Armies, Air Forces and Navies around the world are mobilising to help overwhelmed health services deal with the global coronavirus pandemic.

By Anita Hawser - 02 April 2020
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Navies Wrestle With Coronavirus Outbreaks At Sea

Coronavirus outbreaks on board ships and submarines highlight the challenges for Navies in limiting the virus's impact on routine naval operations and training.

By Anita Hawser - 31 March 2020
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US European Command Remains Ready, Despite COVID-19 Threat

US European Command prepares for worst-case scenario with respect to the potential spread of COVID-19, but maintains that forces remain ready.

By Anita Hawser - 20 March 2020
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Autonomous Underwater Submarines for the Royal Navy

The Royal Navy continues to ramp up its presence in the underwater battle-space domain with a significant investment in autonomous submarines.

By - 18 March 2020
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Courting Controversy: The Royal Navy's £6.2 billion Aircraft Carriers

The Royal Navy's £6.2 billion aircraft carriers continue to court controversy as the UK government announces a major review of defence spending.

By Anita Hawser - 19 December 2019
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UAE To Build Defence and Security Technology Powerhouse

The UAE launches new advanced defence and security technology group, EDGE, which consolidates more than 25 entities in the region.

By - 05 November 2019
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Strategies for Writing Winning Defence Tenders

Adopt the mindset of the Army you are supplying in order to write winning defence tenders, says bid writing specialist.

By Jason Cooney - 15 October 2019
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Aircraft Carrier Strike Milestone

Royal Navy takes next step in its Carrier Strike capability with second QE Class vessel, HMS Prince of Wales, embarking on first sea trials.

By Various sources - 24 September 2019
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OPVs Take Centre Stage at DSEI

The Batch 2 River class OPVs may be upgraded to carry a 76 mm gun, decoy dispensers, and anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles.

By Jack Richardson - 12 September 2019
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A Fifth Generation Future

Despite resource constraints and a changing strategic threat, the Royal Navy's First Sea Lord is bullish about the future.

By Jack Richardson - 12 September 2019
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The Rising Star of the Fleet: Offshore Patrol Vessels

The Royal Navy's new Batch 2 OPV, HMS Medway, features in this year's naval static display at DSEI.

By Kerem Demir - 05 September 2019
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To The Rescue: Turkey's Submarine Rescue Vessels

The Turkish Navy's reinvigorated fleet of submarine rescue ships have made a number of key underwater discoveries since being launched.

By Kerem Demir - 15 August 2019
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Yugoimport-SDPR, DSEI-2019

Rocket artillery systems and combat vehicle armament at Yugoimport-SDPR's R&D programmes.

By Yugoimport-SDPR - 17 July 2019
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Minister To Outline New National Carrier Policy

Industry and politicians taken to task for mothballing shipbuilding projects and delaying construction.

By Anita Hawser - 21 May 2019
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Australian Defence Looks To Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is being used by Australia to develop defence technologies for detecting submarines and stealth aircraft.

By Angela Skujins - 14 April 2019
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Iranian Missile Threatens Gulf Stability

New Iranian anti-ship missile with a 30 km range could threaten US maritime dominance in the Gulf, says IISS.

By - 07 March 2019
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A Billion More For Defence, But Is It Enough?

UK Chancellor finds an extra £1 billion for UK defence, but it won't plug the £20 billion hole in the Defence Equipment Plan.

By Anita Hawser - 29 October 2018
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Protecting Combat Vessels Against A Range of Threats

On show at Euronaval 2018 are an active Advanced Torpedo Defence system and a naval version of Israel's Iron Dome.

By Arie Egozi from Israel - 24 October 2018
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ECA Group Launches Fully Integrated Solution For Unmanned Mine Warfare

OCTOPODA vessels from ECA Group are designed for launching and recovering unmanned systems for mine clearance.

By - 08 October 2018
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Rafael Extended Range Spike Variant to Compete for German Tiger Programme

Rafael says new Spike missile variant can detect camouflaged targets and defeat armour protection on most Main Battle Tanks.

By - 04 September 2018
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First Sea Trials for F-35B

HMS Queen Elizabeth sets sail for first fast jet sea trials of the F-35B. But what do budget and personnel cutbacks really mean for the UK's future Carrier Strike capability?

By Anita Hawser - 23 August 2018
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New Unmanned System for Royal Navy Mine Countermeasures

The Royal Navy takes delivery of its first fully autonomous mine sweeper, an important first step in the development of an unmanned capability for hunting sea mines.

By Anita Hawser - 11 May 2018
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Export Opportunities for the Type 26 GCS

Despite its rising costs, could the Royal Navy's Type 26 City class frigate still meet foreign navies' requirements?

By Jack Richardson - 13 January 2018
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HMS Queen Elizabeth – A Good Ship, But How Will It Be Resourced?

HMS Queen Elizabeth has been formally commissioned into the Royal Navy fleet. But how will the largest warship ever built, be staffed and resourced?

By - 07 December 2017
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Autonomous Decision-Making

Sorting fiction from reality: How much autonomy should machines be given on the battle field to make decisions without human intervention?

By Anita Hawser - 24 November 2017
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NATO To Use Cyber Effects in Defensive Operations

NATO steps up rhetoric on the use of cyber with nations' cyber weapon capabilities to be integrated into NATO missions and operations.

By Anita Hawser - 10 November 2017
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Fallon Falls On His Sword — What Does It Mean For UK Defence?

Michael Fallon bows out as Defence Secretary. Can his successor, Gavin Williamson, get to grips with this challenging ministerial portfolio?

By Anita Hawser - 03 November 2017
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Survival of the Fittest

Cutbacks at BAE Systems highlights the challenges for UK defence companies as they navigate the uncertain world of defence orders.

By Anita Hawser - 13 October 2017
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2017, The Year of the Royal Navy?

The Royal Navy is having a good year, with the launch of the HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier. But is the Navy 'growing,' as the government suggests?

By Jack Richardson - 27 September 2017
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The March of the Robots?

The Royal Navy wants an unmanned capability for routine mine countermeasures in two years. But don't write off the traditional mine hunters just yet.

By Anita Hawser - 25 September 2017
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Naval and Medical Innovations Dominate At This Year's Show

Unmanned, maritime and medical innovations take centre stage at DSEI 2017 in London.

By Anita Hawser - 11 September 2017
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Portsmouth Harbour Welcomes the First of the New Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers

HMS Queen Elizabeth enters Portsmouth harbour, the home of the Royal Navy, for the first time after more than a month of sea trials.

By - 16 August 2017
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The US Tests Laser Weapons To Counter Drones

The US is ramping up efforts to defeat UAVs and rockets with laser weapons. The latest test saw a laser fired from an Apache helicopter.

By Anita Hawser - 12 July 2017
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Construction to Commence on Royal Navy's Type 26 GCS

The new Type 26 Global Combat Ship will provide the Royal Navy with more up-to-date ASW and high-end war fighting capabilities.

By Anita Hawser - 04 July 2017
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A New U-Boat Peril?

Germany is investing in anti-submarine warfare to address modern-day hybrid threats and provide a limited land strike capability.

By Anita Hawser - 05 June 2017
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Trident – All At Sea?

The UK government has approved the billion-pound Trident replacement programme, but is it worth considering other alternatives?

By Nick Childs - 26 April 2017
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Royal Navy To Test Cyber And Artificial Intelligence At Information Warrior

The Royal Navy will test the protection of submarines and war ships against cyber attacks at Information Warrior.

By - 17 February 2017
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Today’s radar challenge

How the electronic warfare (EW) and electronic intelligence (ELINT) communities are keeping pace with modern threats.

By Rohde & Schwarz - 20 January 2017
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Defence and Security Co-operation With The EU Will Continue

The UK will continue to work with the EU on defence and security matters, says UK PM Theresa May in her first major speech on Brexit.

By Anita Hawser - 17 January 2017
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Innovation And Technology For The 21st Century

Scott Safety discusses the importance of doctrine, innovation and technology for current and future maritime operations.

By Brian Clesham MBE - 16 January 2017
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The Fallout From Brexit

Immediately following the UK vote to leave the EU, the pound declined in value, which is likely to impact the cost of already announced defence acquisition programmes and support costs for in-service equipment.

By Stuart Young, Peter Antill and Richard Fisher - 03 January 2017
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Playing The Trump Card In US Defence Policy

President-elect Trump made a lot of comments—some controversial—on defence matters during his election campaign

By Nick Watts - 03 January 2017
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Canada completes Halifax-class Modernization/Frigate Life Extension Project

New radar and electronic warfare capabilities, upgraded missiles and communications will see the Halifax-class frigates in service until the mid-2030s.

By Anita Hawser - 29 November 2016
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Trump and the Middle East: Challenges to Regaining US Supremacy

Can President-elect Trump bring America back from the low point in Middle East relations achieved under Obama's presidency?

By Riad Kahwaji - 17 November 2016
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Unmanned Systems – The New Normal For Navies

The US Navy aims to leverage unmanned systems to assert its dominance above and below the surface of the water. But are other navies falling behind?

By Anita Hawser - 26 October 2016
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Unmanned Warrior Demo for Royal Navy

Unmanned Warrior in Scotland, is a first for the Navy in terms of it working closely with industry, academia and small- to medium-enterprises to help shape future unmanned maritime capabilities.

By Anita Hawser - 19 September 2016
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Diving in the Deep End: Unmanned Maritime Systems

Unmanned systems are being explored in areas such as maritime surveillance, mine countermeasures and anti-submarine warfare. But figuring out how they will work alongside manned assets and capabilities is still a work in progress.

By Anita Hawser - 16 September 2016
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Maritime News


mb-microtec is delighted to announce the launch of its revolutionary new product the trigalight® marker

mb-microtec ag - 11 July 2024
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Rohde & Schwarz showcases the TARAN Suite

Eurosatory 2024: Rohde & Schwarz introduces sensor fusion - the ultimate solution for powerful and reliable data analysis

Rohde & Schwarz - 20 June 2024
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Schiebel establishes a dedicated facility in France to support the CAMCOPTER® S-100

Schiebel establishes a dedicated facility in France to support the French Navy's CAMCOPTER® S-100 .

- 20 June 2024
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Thales ramps up ammunition production and launches OpenDRobotics

Thales expands ammo production and launches new integrated drone and robotics system

- 17 June 2024
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Maritime Domain Demands Innovation

The maritime domain remains unrivaled in scope and importance, and managing it is key to maintaining control of major critical infrastructures and trade routes. In his recent address to the World Defense Show 2024, Ambassador Stefano Pontecorvo, Chairman Leonardo, outlined the potential risks and areas of innovation needed to protect national security and the global economy.

WDS-World Defense Show - 15 May 2024
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News In brief: BMT and DMV collaborate on Australia Future Landing Craft; Another GlobalEye for UAE

BMT and DMV to adapt CAIMEN® Large Design to support amphibious capabilities in littoral environments

- 25 April 2024
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"European defence needs to adjust to a new world", says Eurosatory director

Eurosatory 2024 seeks to provide new answers to new defence and security challenges

Anita Hawser - 20 March 2024
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Cyberani and Thales join forces to protect Saudi's digital infrastructure against cyber attacks.

- 17 March 2024
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DIMDEX 2024 concludes its eighth edition with resounding success

DIMDEX 2024 concludes its eighth edition with resounding success - More than QAR 5 billion worth of contracts were signed with over 25,000 visitors

DIMDEX 2024 - 07 March 2024
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Global Maritime and Defence Leaders Unveil Cutting-Edge Innovations: 200 Companies and 9 International Pavilions to participate at DIMDEX 2024

DIMDEX 2024 - 22 February 2024
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EDGE Group Fincantieri JV

EDGE Group and Shipbuilding Giant Fincantieri Launch Multi-Billion Euro Joint Venture

EDGE Group - 22 February 2024
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SCHIEBEL - 22 February 2024
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Barzan Holding a Strategic Partner and Gold Sponsor of The Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference DIMDEX 2024

DIMDEX 2024 - 19 February 2024
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Schiebel expands Abu Dhabi presence to service South Korean contract for CAMCOPTER® S-300

Schiebel expands capabilities in Abu Dhabi to service South Korea contract for the CAMCOPTER® S-300 UAS.

- 07 February 2024
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GAMI announces increased defence localisation rates for Saudi Arabia at World Defense Show

Defence localisation rates increase to 13.6% at the end of 2022, says GAMI at the World Defense Show.

Anita Hawser - 05 February 2024
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World Defense Show-4-8 Feb 2024, Riyadh, KSA

World Defense Show 2024- under the esteemed patronage of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, has revealed some of the industry titans and senior government figures who will address the show’s visitors and exhibitors over four days.

World Defense Show 2024 - 08 January 2024
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US Navy brokers foreign military ROV sale for Kuwait

Kuwait Navy to receive a semi-autonomous Double Eagle ROV from Saab for mine countermeasures

- 13 December 2023
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New electro-magnetic warfare system for Royal Navy warships passes critical design review

Royal Navy warships to benefit from increased detection and identification of radar signals over longer ranges.

- 22 November 2023
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Kraken Technology and L3 Harris to advance autonomy of the K40 MANTA USSV

Kraken Technology and L3 Harris to enhance the autonomous capabilities of the K40 MANTA USSV.

- 02 November 2023
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The Russian CBRN threat: How real is it, and is the West prepared?

As the war in Ukraine drags on, Russia could revert to chemical weapons, says a new report. But how would allies respond?

Anita Hawser - 27 October 2023
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HMS Prince of Wales at WESTLANT 23

HMS Prince of Wales puts its troubled past behind it with show of strength during flight trials at WESTLANT 23

- 27 October 2023
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PARTNER 2023 Defence Exhibition – Belgrade Serbia

In its 11th iteration over the last 22 years PARTNER 2023 has proved to be an overwhelming success.

DPI - 28 September 2023
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STREAMLIGHT® - 21 September 2023
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Shipbuilding announcements at DSEI 2023

FSS evolved design unveiled at DSEI and new advanced corvette from Saab and Babcock.

Anita Hawser - 13 September 2023
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Slim, High-Performance Light Designed for Easy Pocket Carry, One-Handed Use

Streamlight® Inc. - 10 August 2023
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Saab proposes its Expeditionary Submarines for the Dutch Navy

Balanced Sweden/ Netherlands co-operation to replace Walrus class submarines

- 28 July 2023
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Sponsored Content: Branding and marketing are probably the single most important things you can do for your business.

Dupree International - 22 June 2023
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World Defense Show

World Defense Show in Riyadh Reports Skyrocketing Global Interest Amid Paris Air Show

World Defense Show - 21 June 2023
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French and UK navies achieve critical step towards autonomous mine-hunting.

Anita Hawser - 15 June 2023
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Rafael to unveil Sky Sonic hypersonic missile interceptor at Paris Air Show

Rafael says its Sky Sonic Interceptor is a major technological leap in hypersonic missile defence.

Anita Hawser - 15 June 2023
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The naval version of Iron Dome successfully completes series of tests

The naval version of Iron Dome achieves a major milestone in final operational capability.

- 05 June 2023
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Iveco VBA Amphibious Armoured Vehicle at Seafuture

VBA Amphibious Armoured Vehicle for Italian Navy showcased at Italian naval base.

- 05 June 2023
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Eight new mortar vessels for Swedish amphibious forces

Sweden's amphibious forces to get new indirect fire capability to provide fire support to coastal units.

Anita Hawser - 30 May 2023
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Hybrid intelligence system from MARSS to protect nine Middle East critical infrastructure sites

MARSS completes successful test milestone in Middle-East critical infrastructure protection.

- 30 May 2023
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British design chosen for new AUKUS submarines, dubbed "SSN-AUKUS"

AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines will be based on UK design and built in the UK and Australia.

Anita Hawser - 13 March 2023
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Philippine Navy OPVs to be feature Kongsberg propulsion systems

Kongsberg propeller systems to be installed on the Philippine Navy's new offshore patrol vessels.

Anita Hawser - 07 March 2023
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EDGE Group's contract haul on second day of IDEX 2023

EDGE Group nets major contracts for loitering and glide munitions at IDEX 2023.

Anita Hawser - 21 February 2023
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EDGE Launches 11 New Breakthrough Autonomous and Unmanned Solutions at IDEX 2023

EDGE launches 11 autonomous solutions across air, land, and maritime at IDEX 2023.

- 20 February 2023
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Rafael expands its footprint with new UAE office

Rafael consolidates ties with the UAE defence market with new office opening.

Anita Hawser - 20 February 2023
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EDGE expands into new areas with GRADEONE stake

EDGE takes stake in pyrotechnics company, and keel laying for first Falaj 3 OPV.

Anita Hawser - 17 February 2023
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Schiebel and Thales to provide a new “eye in the sky” for the Royal Navy

Royal Navy to team crewed and uncrewed air platforms for persistent surveillance.

Anita Hawser - 10 February 2023
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EDGE to Showcase Large Portfolio of Advanced Technology and Defence Solutions at IDEX 2023

Autonomy and smart weapons, including loitering munitions and swarming UAVs at IDEX 2023.

- 08 February 2023
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Ukraine signs contract with Thales for new air defence system

Ground Master 200 radar from Thales will help Ukraine detect enemy drones and missiles.

Anita Hawser - 01 February 2023
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Sponsored Content: Streamlight® Inc.Stinger® Color-Rite®-Flashlight Allows Users to Better See the Colour Spectrum Under Low Light Conditions

Streamlight® Inc. - 24 January 2023
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Rafael's C-DOME completes successful test aboard Saar 6 corvette

Iron Dome naval configuration, C-DOME, considered operational after latest test by Israeli Navy.

- 18 November 2022
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UK naval shipbuilders breathe a sigh of relief after Team Resolute wins FSS contract

Royal Navy Fleet Solid Support Ships to be mostly built in the UK in contract worth £1.6 billion.

Anita Hawser - 16 November 2022
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Turkey turns its attention to 'kamikaze drones' with a number of companies launching new systems

Turkey sets out its stall with an array of kamikaze drones on show at recent expos.

Tayfun Ozberk - 13 November 2022
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Future high-energy laser (HEL) weapon systems for the German Navy

German Forces engage drones at short range with first-ever shipboard laser weapon firing.

- 27 October 2022
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The next generation of anti-submarine warfare

Has anti-submarine warfare and unmanned systems finally come of age?

Anita Hawser - 20 October 2022
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Anti-Submarine Warfare using Unmanned Systems

Ultra Maritime and UMS SKELDAR explore an ASW sonobuoy dispensing capability.

- 19 October 2022
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Exail, the new combined brand from iXblue and ECA

ECA and iXblue unite under the new Exail brand at Euronaval 2022 in Paris.

Anita Hawser - 18 October 2022
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Does 3D printing hold the answers to platform availability and part obsolescence?

UK Armed Forces turn to 3D printing to resolve issues impacting platform availability.

Anita Hawser - 21 September 2022
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British Forces pay tribute to their former Commander in Chief, Queen Elizabeth II

The UK's Armed Forces pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II with death gun salutes.

Anita Hawser - 09 September 2022
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QinetiQ to deploy Banshee Air Vehicles on board HMS Prince of Wales as next steps of project Vampire

HMS Prince of Wales to carry Banshee Jet80+ air vehicles on first US east coast deployment.

Anita Hawser - 19 July 2022
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Royal Navy minehunter gets new lease of life in contract worth £55 million.

Lithuanian Navy to regenerate Royal Navy minehunter HMS Quorn.

- 15 July 2022
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Schiebel’s CAMCOPTER® S-100-Icelandic Coast Guard

Schiebel CAMCOPTER® S-100 to expand situational awareness for Icelandic Coast Guard.

SCHIEBEL CAMCOPTER® S-100 - 07 July 2022
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GreenSea Systems acquires C2 Innovations seafloor crawling robots

Amphibious seafloor crawlers can go where boats, divers, and ROVs simply cannot go.

- 04 June 2022
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Babcock to provide dry-dock maintenance for the Royal Navy’s Queen Elizabeth class carriers

Dry-dock maintenance contract for QE aircraft carriers significant milestone for Rosyth dockyard.

- 17 May 2022
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Ukrainian soldiers are protected by Turkish Ballistic Armour

SPONSORED: Turkey's Nurol Teknoloji supplies Ukraine security forces with ballistic protective vests and plates.

Nurol Teknoloji - 12 May 2022
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BMT launches updated design for ELLIDA multi-role logistic ship for SEA2200

New ELLIDA logistics ship design from BMT bids for Australian Navy's SEA2200 programme.

- 10 May 2022
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Royal Australian Navy to acquire CAMCOPTER S-100 in single source deal

Australia skips open tender and goes for single-source procurement of CAMCOPTER S-100 UAS.

- 05 May 2022
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Saab Announces New Autonomous and Undersea Systems Division in New US Production Facility

Saab to expand its ROV and UUV capabilities at new US ASW production facility.

- 01 April 2022
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NATO embarks on overhaul of Airborne Warning and Control System

Trans-Atlantic team to develop technical concept for NATO’s Future Surveillance and Control capabilities.

- 01 April 2022
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Type 23 frigate HMS Somerset achieves Ready for Sea Date

HMS Somerset Type 23 frigate returns to sea following life extension overhaul.

- 30 March 2022
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CES Establishes APAC HQ in Singapore

CES Advanced Composites & Defence Technologies Inc. Establishes APAC HQ in Singapore.

CES Advanced Composites & Defence Technologies Inc - 29 March 2022
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More forces for NATO's eastern flank

New battlegroups for NATO's eastern flank, but more dramatic aid is needed, say experts, to keep Ukraine alive.

Anita Hawser - 23 March 2022
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Babcock design selected for Poland's new frigate programme

Polish Navy selects Babcock's Arrowhead 140 for new Swordfish frigate programme.

- 07 March 2022
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NATO to deploy high-readiness NATO Response Force

Historic moment as NATO Response Force activated for first time in a deterrence role.

Anita Hawser - 26 February 2022
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Saudi Arabia and India forge closer defence and security ties

Saudi Arabia and India to jointly develop autonomous solutions for defence, aerospace and security.

- 10 January 2022
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Saab secures orders from Sweden and Norway for TactiCall and Carl-Gustaf programmable ammunition

New orders for Saab TactiCall ICS and programmable ammunition for Carl-Gustaf recoilless rifle.

- 23 December 2021
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FMV places order with Saab for heavyweight torpedo system

FMV and Saab sign contract for next phase of Swedish Navy's Torpedo System 62 LEP.

- 16 December 2021
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Using EW to detect and disrupt multiple threats

IAI launches EW system, which uses AESA to target multiple complex threats simultaneously.

- 11 November 2021
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SPONSORED CONTENT: Turn to A Higher Power with The Portable Scene Light II

Streamlight Inc. - 10 November 2021
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Royal Navy Ramps Up New EW Capability

New EW systems for the Royal Navy will enhance situational awareness and anti-ship missile defence.

- 09 November 2021
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Royal Navy Aircraft Carrier Trains Against Threat Scenarios with Uncrewed Air Vehicle

HMS Prince of Wales launches uncrewed enemy attack aircraft from its deck for target practice.

- 05 November 2021
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Streamlight’s Hottest Flashlights for Tactical Applications

SPONSORED CONTENT: The Hottest Flashlights for Tactical Applications

Streamlight® Inc. - 02 November 2021
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Australian General Defends Controversial AUKUS Pact

AUKUS is not a new defence pact or ASEAN Nato, but a commitment to collaborate on a broad range of technologies.

Anita Hawser - 20 October 2021
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Aiming and Stabilisation Technology for weapon systems on board Indonesia's new Combat Boat

Curtiss-Wright to provide turret drive stabilisation system for Combat Boat weapons system.

- 19 October 2021
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Securing mission-critical 4G/5G mobile communications

Thales and Streamwide to boost the security of mission-critical 4G/5G mobile communications.

- 19 October 2021
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Supacat and Marrell Boats partner to offer M15 Patrol Boat into police and military market

Supacat and Marrell Boats offer M15 Patrol Boat for UK police and military market.

- 06 October 2021
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The French Connection: Hellenic Navy to receive French FDI frigates

France's Naval Group wins competition to supply the Hellenic Navy with three new frigates.

Anita Hawser - 28 September 2021
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Minesweeping solution for the Belgian and Royal Dutch Navies

Minesweeping subsystems from Patria and CTM selected for Belgian and Dutch rMCM.

- 14 September 2021
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Saab's Next Generation Combat Boat Takes to the Thames

Watch Saab's CB90 NG combat boat in action on the Thames.

- 14 September 2021
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New Advanced Diver Delivery Craft Being Developed by British company

Subsea Craft commences sea trials of its new fly-by-wire diver delivery craft in Portsmouth.

- 12 September 2021
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Royal Australian Navy Camcopter S-100 Contract

Royal Australian Navy extends Camcopter S-100 contract with Schiebel for another three years.

Anita Hawser - 26 July 2021
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Collins Aerospace Selects AdaCore’s QGen Code Generator

Collins Aerospace Selects AdaCore’s QGen Code Generator to Streamline Model-Based Development

AdaCore - 23 July 2021
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Draken Europe and Collins Aerospace Collaborate on Next Generation Air Combat Training Systems

JSAS training system to be used with Draken’s Falcon 20 fleet to support operational readiness training.

- 13 July 2021
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Type 45 destroyer: Air and missile defence upgrade

Royal Navy Type 45 destroyers to get additional firepower with CAMM missiles from MBDA.

- 06 July 2021
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Ballast Water Treatment System

New UV ballast water treatment system means future US navy vessels can sail anywhere in the world.

- 30 June 2021
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Rafael Unveils Sea Breaker

Sea Breaker, a new autonomous precision-guided missile from Rafael, uses AI and smart navigation.

- 30 June 2021
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Patrol Vessel Upgrade for UK MoD Police

New patrol vessels for MoD Police and Gibraltar Defence Police in contract worth £36 million.

- 18 June 2021
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Latvian Navy Minehunting Vessel upgrade

Latvian Navy's minehunting vessels prepare for new unmanned mine clearance systems.

- 11 June 2021
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Radars for New French Frigate Delivered by Thales

French Navy receives first Sea Fire radars for new Defence and Intervention frigates.

- 19 May 2021
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UAE Navy's New Offshore Patrol Vessels

Abu Dhabi Shipbuilding receives its biggest order ever from the UAE Navy for four new OPVs.

- 19 May 2021
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U.S. Navy selects Lockheed Martin and IFS to deliver intelligent ship and aircraft maintenance.

IFS - 14 May 2021
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Jersey Standoff: HMS Severn and HMS Tamar

The Royal Navy's old and new patrol vessels converge on Jersey in standoff with French fishermen.

Anita Hawser - 06 May 2021
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Critical Milestone Achieved for Type 31 Frigate

Type 31 frigate achieves critical design review milestone, despite extraordinary Covid-19 circumstances.

Anita Hawser - 04 May 2021
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Schiebel Camcopter S-100 performs maritime surveillance for EMSA in Estonia.

Schiebel - 21 April 2021
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ADVERTISEMENT: Light Features Red Aiming Laser, Rear Switch Options; Delivers 1,000 Lumens

STREAMLIGHT® - 13 April 2021
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Tensions between Israel and Iran Escalate

Israeli defence forces prepare for retaliation after alleged cyber incident at Iran's Natanz nuclear facility.

Arie Egozi - 12 April 2021
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Type 31 Frigate Contract Awarded by Babcock to ERIKS

ERIKS to provide inspection, testing and certification of components for Type 31 frigates.

- 30 March 2021
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New long-range anti-ship missile for Italian Navy

MBDA Teseo Mk2/E anti-ship missile for Italy's multi-purpose Pattugliatori Polivalenti d'Altura OPVs.

- 17 March 2021
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Missiles and Weapon Systems at IDEX 2021

Anti-ship cruise missiles and high-performance weapons from CARACAL and HALCON at IDEX 2021.

- 22 February 2021
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UAE-made patrol boats at NAVDEX 2021

ADSB launches First UAE-Made 16m and 12m Fast Patrol Boats at NAVDEX 2021.

- 22 February 2021
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Submersible High Speed Delivery Craft Order

Foreign navy orders Diver Delivery Craft from Swedish-UAE company Armacraft.

- 22 February 2021
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Low Profile Tactical Light Fits Subcompact Railed Handguns; Delivers 500 Lumens

Streamlight Inc. - 19 February 2021
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EDGE Group and Ukrainian Defence Companies Sign Tri-Party Defence Agreement

Strategic co-operation between EDGE Group and Ukrainian companies could result in $1 billion of investments.

- 15 February 2021
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Meteksan Defence and ARES Shipyard launch first AUSV prototype

The Turkish-made armed unmanned surface vehicle, ULAQ, commences sea and guided missile firing trials.

- 12 February 2021
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Laser Weapon Demonstrator for Naval Frigate

MBDA Deutschland and Rheinmetall Waffe Munition awarded contract for maritime laser weapon demonstrator.

- 28 January 2021
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STREAMLIGHT® launches WEDGE™ rechargeable EDC light, which delivers up to 1,000 Lumens.

Streamlight Inc. - 27 January 2021
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UAE's EDGE Group Ranked Among The Top 25 Military Companies in the World

EDGE Group is the first Middle-East company to feature in SIPRI's world's largest arms producers ranking.

- 15 December 2020
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French Navy Buys Additional Schiebel UAS for Mistral-class Carriers

The French Navy orders two more tactial CAMCOPTER® S-100 UAS for Mistral-class carriers.

- 15 December 2020
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Ministry of Defence Enhancing Live-Stream Tech For Military Operations

Image and video exploitation formats used by streaming platforms like Netflix could be used in military operations.

- 27 November 2020
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Sea Venom Firing Trials

MBDA completes qualification firing trials of the Sea Venom/ANL missile for the British and French Navies.

- 26 November 2020
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French and UK Navies One Step Closer to Taking Delivery of New Unmanned MCM capability

Unmanned Mine Countermeasures System for French and UK navies enters production phase.

- 26 November 2020
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Turkey’s First Armed Unmanned Surface Vehicle: URLAQ

Turkey launches its first indigenously produced Armed Unmanned Surface Vehicle.

- 29 October 2020
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New Air Defence System from MBDA

After two years of development, MBDA commercially launches its next generation air defence system.

- 20 October 2020
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JFD Awarded Contract Extension for NSRS

JFD's NATO Submarine Rescue System contract is extended for another three years.

- 30 September 2020
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Hands-Free Right Angle Military Light Features 185º Tilting Head, Red Slide Filter.

Streamlight Inc. - 18 September 2020
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Thales and Leonardo support Polish Navy's ASW

Polish Navy to equip its helicopters with the latest anti-submarine warfare dipping sonars.

- 17 September 2020
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US Navy T-AGOS(X) Industry Studies

BMT to work with Philly Shipyard on design of the US auxiliary general ocean surveillance ship (T-AGOS(X)).

- 17 September 2020
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Rechargeable Light Features 2,000 Lumens, Sure-Grip Design

Streamlight Inc. - 07 August 2020
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Multi-Fuel, High Lumen Flashlight Features Right-Angle Design; Delivers Up to 500 Lumens

Streamlight Inc. - 07 August 2020
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The French Navy's Future Drone

First "free flight" for Airbus unmanned helicopter major step leading up to sea trials in 2021.

- 30 July 2020
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Electronic Defence Systems for Spanish Navy Frigates

Spanish Navy's F-110 frigates receive state-of-the-art sensors for stealth and better detection of threats.

- 09 July 2020
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Robotic Mine Countermeasures

SKELDAR's V-200 UAS selected for Belgian and Dutch Navies' robotic mine countermeasures toolbox.

- 09 July 2020
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Unmanned Maritime Systems for Intelligence Gathering

Elbit adds a mini-UAS to its Seagull unmanned surface vessel to expand intelligence gathering capabilities.

- 09 July 2020
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US Navy De-Emphasises Aircraft Carriers In Favour of Smaller Surface Combatants

The US Navy's next generation small surface combatant will be built by Fincantieri Marinette Marine.

Anita Hawser - 01 May 2020
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Covid-19 Has Tested The Military Like Never Before

Army engineers design mobile pop-up test sites for Covid-19, as military confronts logistics challenge.

Anita Hawser - 26 April 2020
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Long Range Autonomous operations

BMT's Pentamaran hull-form design optimises endurance and reduces fuel consumption for autonomy at sea.

- 21 April 2020
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Coronavirus Strikes French Naval Vessel

More than 600 COVID-19 positive cases reported on board French aircraft carrier.

Anita Hawser - 16 April 2020
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ASW Sonars for Finnish Navy corvettes

Kongsberg's ASW sonars to be integrated on Finnish Navy's new Pohjanmaa-class corvettes.

- 15 April 2020
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US Sailor Dies From COVID-19

A sailor on board the US Navy's Theodore Roosevelt carrier has died from COVID-19.

- 14 April 2020
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New Temporary Hospital To Treat Coronavirus Patients

Military to provide support to temporary hospital with 4,000 beds for coronavirus patients.

- 24 March 2020
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Schiebel enhances production capabilities with investment in metal 3D-printing.

SCHIEBEL - 11 March 2020
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New Ship for Brazilian Navy to be 100% built in country

Embraer, thyssenkrupp and Atech alliance marks new era for Brazilian shipbuilding.

- 07 March 2020
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Anti-ship Missile Milestone

Anti-ship missiles for French and British Navies notches up another significant milestone.

- 07 March 2020
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Schiebel's CAMCOPTER® S-100 impresses at Sulphur Sniffer Capability Test.

SCHIEBEL CAMCOPTER® S-100 - 02 March 2020
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Singapore Air Show: ST Engineering

ST Engineering showcases the Hunter AFV at the Singapore Air Show.

- 09 February 2020
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Maritime Situational Awareness

Maritime situational awareness system detects suspicious vessels using machine-learning.

- 17 January 2020
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Communication Systems on Board the Type 26

Link Microtek to supply mobile communications for Royal Navy's first three Type 26 ships.

- 17 January 2020
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Rotary wing UAS Milestone

French Navy fully operates a rotary-wing UAS connected to a ship's combat system.

- 27 November 2019
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Low Rate Production of ACVs for US Marine Corps

US Marine Corps' Amphibious Combat Vehicles awarded to Iveco.

- 13 November 2019
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JFD Expands into Turkish Market

JFD and Armelsan extend subsea and rescue capabilities to Turkish market.

- 10 October 2019
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Cybersecurity Operations As A Service

ST Engineering strengthens cybersecurity for Myanmar government.

- 01 October 2019
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Type31e procurement decision was a 'constructive' process, says Babcock

Babcock says it was challenged by the deadlines and fixed cost of the Type31e.

Jack Richardson - 15 September 2019
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Small boats repair and maintenance

Babcock secures multi-million pound small boats repair and maintenance contract

- 11 September 2019
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Rohde & Schwarz Shipborne Communications

Software-defined radios from Rohde & Schwarz for new Royal Navy ocean patrol vessels.

- 27 August 2019
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Teledyne Marine

Teledyne Marine opens unmanned vehicle service centre in Denmark.

Teledyne Marine - 31 July 2019
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Streamlight Inc. PROTAC-90-Everyday carry tactical flashlight

Streamlight Inc. - 01 July 2019
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STREAMLIGHT MICROSTREAM USB-A compact, bright flashlight

Streamlight Inc. - 18 June 2019
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US Navy To Test Underwater Swarming Technology

Aquabotix secures its fourth order from the US military for its underwater unmanned swarming technology.

- 24 May 2019
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Belgian and Dutch Navies Opt for Hybrid Approach to Mine Hunting

Belgian and Dutch navies award €2 billion contract to ECA Group and Naval Group for minehunters with unmanned 'toolbox'.

- 24 May 2019
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STREAMLIGHT® TLR-8 ® G Rail mounted Strobing tactical light with green laser sight

Streamlight Inc. - 24 May 2019
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Two new bridge simulators for Royal Australian Navy as new ships come on line.

- 08 May 2019
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Streamlight Inc. Sidewinder- The most versatile Military light in the world

Streamlight Inc. - 07 May 2019
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Curtiss Wright Chosen To Supply Systems for Aerial Refuelling Drone

Data technology systems chosen for US Navy's MQ-25 unmanned carrier refuelling tanker.

- 27 April 2019
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Collins Aerospace: Blended Training is here

LVC air combat training solution showcased to US Navy and Air Force by Collins Aerospace.

- 18 April 2019
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MBDA and ALPhANOV Laser Weapon Lab Launched

Laser test facility in Bordeaux can simulate real-life laser firings against different targets.

- 14 April 2019
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New Rugged Lightweight Inflatable Boat from Survitec

Lightweight single-point inflation boat for army regiments and special forces on display at NAVDEX in Abu Dhabi.

- 18 February 2019
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Air Defence for Naval Vessels

New SPIMM air defence missile to protect ships against most air-borne threats launched at NAVDEX.

- 17 February 2019
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Armed USV On Display at NAVDEX

Emirati boat builder Al Hareb Marine displays armed USV at NAVDEX 2019 in Abu Dhabi.

- 17 February 2019
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New Turkish Intelligence Ship

The TCG Ufuk 'intelligence ship' will detect threats to Turkey's maritime security.

Kerem Demir - 11 February 2019
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Royal Navy Invests in Autonomous Hydrographic vessel

The Royal Navy will use L3 ASV's C-Enduro autonomous vessel to gather hydographic data for minehunting.

- 08 February 2019
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JFD To Design And Build New DSRV for Korean Navy

New underwater search and rescue vehicle to be launched and recovered from a submarine using a 'moonpool'.

- 24 January 2019
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New ComTac Tactical headset from 3M PELTOR enables face-to-face communication in noisy environments.

3M PELTOR - 16 January 2019
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Navy Takes Delivery of Third Generation Rescue System

Indian Navy joins an elite class of navies that operate submarine rescue systems.

- 21 December 2018
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Aquabotix Adds To Its SwarmDiver Product Range

Stealth underwater drones from Aquabotix for covert defence operations.

- 07 December 2018
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Ship's Bridge Training For German Navy Cadets

New training simulation system for German Navy features every surface combatant.

- 07 December 2018
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Networked Synthetic Training

Thales launches new networked synthetic training solution for dispersed teams.

- 28 November 2018
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THIELMANN-Press Release

THIELMANN acquires German bulk containers company.

THIELMANN - 20 November 2018
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New Ship's Bridge Simulators for RAN

Royal Australian Navy train more watch keepers at a lower cost.

- 08 November 2018
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What Do Today's Jihadists Have In Common With Famous Guerrilla Fighters Of The Past?

Guerilla Warfare: Kings of Revolution, the military strategy of guerrilla fighters from the 13th century to modern times.

Anita Hawser - 28 October 2018
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An AUV That Is A Towed Sonar

ECA has converted its A-18 M AUV into a towed sonar, helping navies reduce the cost of ownership of unmanned systems.

- 23 October 2018
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New AI-Powered Acoustic Detection System for ASW

Thales's latest acoustic detection system fuses data from multiple sensors so navies can respond more quickly to threats.

- 22 October 2018
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Fifth Generation Land Missile Passes Desert Evaluation

Fifth-generation land missile cleared for operation by French Forces in Africa. Naval version announced at Euronaval in Paris.

- 22 October 2018
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Declassified Hesco Collaboration

Declassified Hesco Collaboration: Working together to document Military stories

Hesco - 10 October 2018
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New Rebreather For Mine Clearance Divers

The CLSE Mk2 and Mk2-ED represent a new benchmark in underwater life support for EOD divers, says JFD.

- 05 October 2018
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Next Generation of USVs from France's ECA Group

ECA Group's INSPECTOR 120 USV has a higher payload capacity and can carry different configurations for mine hunting.

- 05 October 2018
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Teledyne Gavia Framework Agreement with (DALO)

Teledyne Gavia Framework Agreement with Danish Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO)

Teledyne Gavia - 24 September 2018
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Japan presents significant opportunities for UK defence companies

UK company sets its sights on selling ASW towed sonars and torpedo launchers to Japan, which is building more warships.

- 07 August 2018
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New hyperbaric equipment for the Royal Australian Navy will mean more submariners can be treated in the event of a rescue.

- 06 July 2018
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Belgian Navy Completes Trials of Schiebel's Rotary-Wing UAS

Belgian Navy trials Schiebel's Camcopter S-100 for Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and SAR.

- 06 July 2018
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Private Cloud For Armed Forces

Thales to offer armed forces operating in constrained environments a private cloud infrastructure.

- 07 June 2018
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Artificial intelligence and electronic warfare

Significant operational advantage can be achieved in EW by applying machine learning, says MASS.

- 03 June 2018
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Arrowhead Easier To Design, Build And Maintain

Babcock unveils its Arrowhead design for UK MoD's Type31e General Purpose Frigate.

- 02 June 2018
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Babcock's Submarine Support Contract For Canadian Navy Extended

Babcock secures three-year extension for Canadian submarine support contract.

- 02 June 2018
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BISim Raises Fidelity Stakes Using AI and High-Fidelity Urban Environments

Bohemia Interactive Simulations models civilian behaviours to help security forces train for counter-terrorism missions.

- 11 March 2018
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Submarine Rescue for the Indian Navy

James Fisher Defence moves forward with next generation Submarine Rescue System for the Indian Navy.

- 15 February 2018
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Next-generation Sonar Systems

Sonar system for French nuclear submarines features advanced processing algorithms to address current and future threats.

- 10 February 2018
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Bespoke Team Bids for Type31e Shipbuilding Program

UK shipyards announce joint bid for the Royal Navy's new general-purpose light frigate programme.

- 08 January 2018
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Turkey Awards Contract to Eurosam

Eurosam consortium to develop a future Long-Range Air and Missile Defence System for Turkey.

- 07 January 2018
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Closer EU Defence Co-operation Achieves Important Milestone

EU member states collaborate on defence projects. But the UK will have no decision-making power or influence.

- 12 December 2017
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Navies Seek to Tackle the Threat Posed by Small Unmanned Aircraft

The Royal Canadian Navy gets to grips with the threat posed by small unmanned aerial vehicles using multi-rotor targets.

- 01 December 2017
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Thales Acquires Holographic Radar Specialist

UK company that pioneered holographic radar for detecting small UAVs is acquired by Thales.

- 28 November 2017
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New Centre For Laser Weapon Systems Development

QinetiQ opens centre in Farnborough UK for the development of laser directed energy weapon systems.

- 24 November 2017
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Mobile Sensors For Coastal And Port Security

An all robotic solution with mobile sensors for port and coastal surveillance is unveiled at Milipol Paris.

- 21 November 2017
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Norsafe launches its new Marathon 900 multi-mission RHIB, which emphasises ergonomics and safety.

Norsafe - 03 November 2017
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High Probability of Detection for Unmanned System

SAR sonar on an unmanned surface vessel reduces false positives in mine detection, says report.

- 31 October 2017
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Saudi Arabian Military Industries Announces Board of Directors

Former Rheinmetall head to help Saudi Arabian Military Industries become top 25 global defence company.

- 31 October 2017
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Critical Communications for Royal Navy Fleet

Thales awarded £100 million through life support contract for Royal Navy communication systems.

- 11 October 2017
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Thales to Introduce AI Into Applications for Armed Forces

New centre for research in Artificial Intelligence to aid decision-makers on the battlefield.

- 11 October 2017
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Remotely-operated Anti-Submarine Warfare

Elbit Systems successfully demonstrates unmanned systems for anti-submarine warfare.

- 22 September 2017
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UK Laser Weapon Demonstrator unveiled

The laser beam director for the UK's Laser Directed Energy Weapon is unveiled at DSEI in London.

- 12 September 2017
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Unmanned Surface Vehicle Targets

Royal Canadian Navy orders 40 Hammerhead USV targets and payloads from QinetiQ Target Systems.

- 11 September 2017
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Through Life Asset Management

A centralised solution for managing and tracking deployed defence assets more efficiently.

- 11 September 2017
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The Supacat of RIBs

Armoured vehicle specialist Supacat will demonstrate its new Rigid Inflatable Boat on the Thames during DSEI.

- 08 September 2017
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Mine Warfare of the Future

An unnamed Asian navy takes delivery of fully automated underwater robot demining system.

- 08 September 2017
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Clearing Mines Faster

VENARI-85 is a step change in the way mine countermeasures ship design is approached.

- 04 September 2017
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In-Service Support Contract Makes History

Thales awarded €3.5 billion contract to support Canada's Arctic Patrol Vessels.

- 17 August 2017
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SAMDIS Synthetic Aperture Sonar Makes Detection and Classification of Mines Easier

Thales successfully completes demonstration of its Mine-Hunting Unmanned Package in Belgium.

- 28 June 2017
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Patria AMV28A armoured wheeled vehicle

Patria's AMV28A armoured wheeled vehicle completes amphibious tests in Finland.

Patria - 20 June 2017
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Canada To Boost Defence Spending By More than 70%

Cyber, air attack and intelligence among areas to benefit from new Canadian defence policy.

Anita Hawser - 11 June 2017
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Wireless Technologies For Maritime Communications

The adoption of commercial wireless technologies for underwater communications.

- 24 May 2017
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Kazakhstan Navy Tests ECA Groups UMIS For Unmanned Mine Countermeasures

Successful sea trials of UMIS system for Kazakhstan Navy and Towed Side Scan Radar.

- 23 May 2017
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Trump to Announce Major Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia

Arms deal could be worth up to $350bn over 10 years – one of the largest in history.

Mythili Sampathkumar Independent - New York - 22 May 2017
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Rostec tests Ka-52k helicopters in marine conditions

Rostec Ka-52K helicopters complete the first phase of testing in marine conditions.

Rostec - 05 May 2017
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A New 'Lingua Franca' for Underwater, Networked Communications

NATO underwater communications standard for data exchange between robotic systems.

Anita Hawser - 02 May 2017
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MBDA Next-Generation Air Defence Missiles for British Army and Navy

Sea Ceptor and Land Ceptor will protect the Royal Navy's war ships and enhance ground-based air defence.

- 24 April 2017
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Royal Canadian Navy Victoria Class Submarines Radar Upgrade

Canadian Navy Victoria Class submarines to be fitted with modern, high performance radar.

- 07 April 2017
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MoD's Defence Equipment Plan Comes Up Short

The UK Ministry of Defence needs to find more savings to fund its future Equipment Plan.

- 30 January 2017
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The US Navy's Unmanned Influence Sweep System

On-water testing for US Navy unmanned surface vessel commences.

- 26 January 2017
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IVECO - Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV)

First Amphibious Combat Vehicle based on Iveco platform rolled out to Marine Corps.

IVECO - 18 January 2017
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UK Innovation: Laser Weapon Contract Awarded

MOD awards £30m contract to produce Laser Directed Energy Weapon (LDEW).

UK MoD - 09 January 2017
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Sonar Upgrade for Australia's Collins Class Submarines

Sonar system upgrade for Australia's Collins Class submarines.

- 29 November 2016
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MBDA To Demo Sea Ceptor for Type 26

Sea Ceptor missile will defend Type 26 against advanced air threats.

- 04 November 2016
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The UK and France step up co-operation on unmanned minehunting

UK and France collaborate on autonomous system for detecting and neutralising sea mines.

- 26 October 2016
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Unmanned Mine Countermeasures Come of Age

Unmanned systems for mine countermeasures dominate at Euronaval.

- 17 October 2016
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Unmanned Warrior 16

World’s first large scale demonstration of marine robotic systems hosted by the UK.

UK MoD - 17 October 2016
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Europe's Naval Industrial Base Comes Out on Top, But More Investment needed

The EU naval industrial base is in a good position to fight off increasing competition.

- 10 October 2016
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First Unmanned Mine Countermeasure Systems Deployed

Minehunter vessels in stand off role as robotised mine countermeasure systems hunt for mines.

DPI - 21 September 2016
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Ministry of Defence 'facing extra £700m costs post Brexit'

MoD is facing extra costs of up to £700m a year following the UK's Brexit vote, experts warn.

- 15 September 2016
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